Children walking home from school, Amhara Region, Ethiopia
Instructor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education
A810T: “Education Finance in a Global Context” - Designed and taught original course
S052: “Intermediate and Advanced Statistical Methods for Applied Research” (w/Courtney Pollack & Eddie Kim)
Teaching Fellow at Harvard College
GOV1135: “Politics of Development in Africa” (Professor Pia Raffler)
GOV1737: “Evaluating the Impacts of Public Policies” (Professor Michael Hiscox)
GENED1120: “The Politics of Globalization” (Professors Larry Summers & Robert Lawerence)
GOV1759: “Behavioral Insights for Public Policy” (Professor Michael Hiscox)
Research Methods Coaching at the Harvard Kennedy School
Lead research methods coach supporting master’s thesis research at HKS (2019 -2022)
Wrote research methods curriculum: “Qualitative Research Methods for Public Policy”. Curriculum available upon request.
Selected Teaching Fellow Positions at the Harvard Graduate School of Education
A205: “Microeconomics: A Policy Tool for Educators” (Professor Felipe Barrera-Osorio)
S052: “Intermediate and Advanced Statistical Methods for Applied Research” (Professor Andrew Ho)
S040: “Introduction to Applied Data Analysis” (Joe McIntyre)
A816: “Education in Armed Conflict” (Professor Sarah Dryden-Peterson)
A830: “Education and International Development” (Professor Emmerich Davies)
Teaching Assistant - The University of Texas
“Analytic Methods” - Graduate Methods Course (Professor Erin Lentz)
K-12 Teaching
High School World History and Economics Teacher (Dallas Public Schools) - Dallas, TX
High School English Teacher (Fulbright English Teaching Assistant) - Bulgaria
Elementary School English Teacher (WorldTeach) - Costa Rica
Middle School Teaching Assistant & American Sign Language Instructor (KIPP Austin Public Schools) - Austin, TX