I’m a PhD candidate in Government and a Radcliffe Fellow (2024-2025) at Harvard University studying Comparative Politics and Political Economy. My dissertation project examines the political economy of refugee inclusion in Africa with a focus on the education sector.
My academic interests are shaped by more than a decade of professional experience in education and international development. It’s important to me that my research and teaching address real-world questions. As a result, I straddle academic and policy worlds as a scholar and policy professional. My areas of expertise include education, forced displacement and migration, gender, international organizations, and foreign aid. My work has been published in World Development, Development Policy Review, The Journal of Refugee Studies, and the Journal on Education in Emergencies, among others.
At Harvard, I’m an affiliate of the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, the Institute for Quantitative Social Sciences, the Center for International Development, and am the Political Economy and Policy Fellow with the Refugee REACH Initiative. I’m the 2023 winner of the Jeanne Humphrey Block Dissertation award from the Institute of Quantitative Social Science. Externally, I regularly consult with UNHCR and others as a political economy analyst. I’ve previously been a high school teacher, an education and migration expert with the Center for Global Development, a researcher with the World Bank and the Education Commission, and an affiliate of the REAL Centre at Cambridge University.
PhD in Government, Harvard University (ABD; in progress)
Master of Education Policy, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Master of Global Policy Studies, UT Austin LBJ School of Public Affairs
BA in Government & Humanities (Honors), University of Texas at Austin